If you really want to earn some extra money, consider signing up with Ebay. Ebay is a great way to get rid of things you don't use and make money in the process. Register with Ebay and sign up for a seller account. You may first want to purchase a few items to get your feedback up since new sellers are not immediately able to sell at "auction" prices and must first sell at "set" prices until they have reached 10 feedback scores. Last month alone, I made $400.00 just selling items I had around my house such as my son's clothes (he out grew), shoes, kitchen appliances, cell phone accessories, and more. When you've become an expert at it, you can even buy items at wholesale prices and sell them for a profit on Ebay. To learn more...check out my article.
How to Make Money Selling on Ebay
You can also link right to Ebay: www.ebay.com
Taking Care Of Our Feathered Friends
4 years ago
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