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Hi, my name is Loralie Lynn! Thanks for taking the time to read my blog!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

BidVertiser to Earn More Money With Your Blog

So, you've probably already heard enough about Google Adsense, but have you heard about BidVertiser? BidVertiser gives blog publishers another way to earn some money with their blogs or websites by listing relevant ads on their sites. Similar to Google Adsense, BidVertiser is a pay per click advertising site where you earn money each time someone clicks on an ad in your blog or website. But, unlike Google Adsense, BidVertiser affiliates can get paid to place ads on Ebay, recommend BidVertiser to friends, make referrals, and browse other businesses with relevant ads. For more information click the link below...


  1. Thank you, I just signed up. Can't wait to put some ads up ^_^ do you know if it pays more than Google Adsense?

  2. hmm that's interesting I'll give it a look see. thanks. DO you know if you can have both google and these ads on one site?
